how to make the best deck on dueling network

how to make the best deck on dueling network
Can any deck do good this format? - Articles - Dueling Network Forums.
need help making a good madolche deck - posted in Advanced: i need help making a good madolche deck for the next format. this is what i got.
Archives: All the Decks posted before September 2012 are stored here.. Fun Spellcaster/Spell Counter Deck.. The New Photon Support Is Really Good.
The Perfect Relinquished Deck - Archives - Dueling Network Forums.
Need a good budget deck idea (Looking around $150.00) - Advanced.
Any ideas for my new deck? - Advanced - Dueling Network Forums.
Balmung OTK Deck: Help and Suggestions Please!! - Advanced.
Would this go for a budget chaos dragon deck? - Advanced - Dueling.
need help making a good madolche deck - posted in Advanced: i need help making a good madolche deck for the next format. this is what i got.
Archives: All the Decks posted before September 2012 are stored here.. Fun Spellcaster/Spell Counter Deck.. The New Photon Support Is Really Good.
So thats the deck.I am not the best at making synchro decks so any feedback would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!!

NUMBERS deck need suggestions as to how to make a good one.
how to make the best deck on dueling network
what are the top decks in 2013? - Advanced - Dueling Network Forums.Oct 14, 2012. the deck works really good for me but theres times i can do a play xD but i get really confused so thats kind of annoying