save image without background
Adobe Community: Why does DW CS6 automatically add a white.
How do i save a render from photoshop without that white.
Adobe Community: Saving JPG with transparent background. WHY NOT?
Feb 18, 2010. I have been trying to save a Jpeg with my business logo and transparent background to do a quick paste on hundreds of images. Can't save.
How to Save Image with a Transparent Background in Photoshop.
So I resized and optimised an image of my model and saved it as png because that means a transparent background. But the moment I inset it.
You need to save it as a Gif with a transparent background. Jpeg must have a background.
Then I went to file New From Clipboard and I got a new picture of just my cut out and a transparent background. I saved it as a gif and a png.
How to create an image with a transparent background - Corel.
I tried making a transparent layer with a layer of text over it, and when I saved it ( as a JPG,) and tried pasting it over a background, there was a.
Of course you'd have to save it as a portable image file (jpeg, etc). While saving on jpeg might work, it will return the white background you.
Sorry, I wasn't able to attach the image. I get this error message when I try to attach mydemo file: "Sorry, there was a problem with your last request!" I save the.
I'm going to apologise in advance for asking what might seem a silly question, but I am new to working with graphics software and ignorant.
How do I convert a.psd image without losing it's transparent.
Can't get transparent background on my PNG | Redbubble.
Feb 18, 2010. I have been trying to save a Jpeg with my business logo and transparent background to do a quick paste on hundreds of images. Can't save.
. PNG file format. See the Pixelmator User Manual for more information about saving images. .. Is it not possible to save a JPG with a transparent background?
How to export images with transparent background in illustrator. Mar 11, 2012 4: 05. In Illustrator use Save For Web and check transparency.
We'll start with an image that we want to remove the background from, or "knock out" the background. Now you have two options to save a transparent image.
save image without background
How to save image in photoshop without transparent background.PICTURE without background - Help2Go!